The Jonas Software Foundation
With great strength comes great responsibility. Building a great business is about more than the bottom line on a spreadsheet, it’s about how we use our success, expertise and time to make a difference – to people and the planet.

Find out how we provide balance and opportunity
The Jonas Software Foundation is how we give back. We work with charities that align with our employees’ values and priorities, offering apprenticeships that either give people a vital first step or change in their career, engaging with our local community and actively focusing on sustainability within our organisation.
Charities – working to help causes close to our hearts
At the start of the year each business chooses a charity to support that is meaningful to their business – either to an individual employee, a number of employees or to the sector they serve. Through the year, employees and businesses stage fundraising events to support their chosen charities: iron man, cycling, running, hiking, cake/bake sales, coffee mornings and more. As a result, in 2023, we are supporting more than 15 charities.
Meanwhile, with sending an estimated 1M+ emails annually across multiple sectors worldwide, we can use our reach to go beyond simply donating funds, to raising awareness for and supporting charities’ efforts. We’re also happy to provide time and resources to support employees with their charity fundraising activities and match contributions to uphold our ‘give back’ promise.

Apprenticeships – giving people opportunities to grow and develop
Apprenticeships are a big deal for us. Not everyone with natural talent is able to find their way into a promising career in software and its supporting roles, so may miss out in life. At the same time, we know our companies grow and thrive with fresh, diverse talent, ideas and viewpoints.
We provide opportunities for people to get a kick-start and formal training as they begin their careers, return to work or if they have decided to change vocation. Whether in finance, development, testing or other IT related careers – or CMI apprenticeships for Team Leaders and Managers – our apprenticeship programme is managed centrally across multiple brands and provides professional and pastoral care for every new team member.

“One of the best things about being an apprentice is that I have been able to get hands-on experience. I have worked on a variety of projects, including working on financial reports, analysing financial data, integrating with a new company. This has given me a deep understanding of how the finance industry works and has helped me to develop my skills in a practical way.”
Sustainability – looking after our world
As a group, everything we do has an impact. This extends to our effect on the environment and our use of natural resources.
Working with environmental specialists Carbon Footprint, our UK office achieved a 100% offset of our 2021 carbon emissions by investing in a number of schemes, including: the distribution of improved cooker stoves, wind and solar power initiatives, rainforest conservation reserves and methane gas capture. We were again audited by Carbon Footprint for our 2022 impact and have 100% offset this for all the businesses we owned in 2022, which means we have now achieved the position of being A Carbon Neutral Organisation. We are planning to have our 2023 results audited in Q2 2024.
In 2023, we also introduced a salary sacrifice scheme for employees to purchase electric and hybrid vehicles.
Our support also extends to World Wildlife Fund (USA & Canada) and in Europe: Burrenbeo Trust, Native Woodland Trust, Bird Watch Ireland, and Seal Rescue Ireland. Making a difference wherever we can.

Sharing our funds, expertise and time – to help people and the planet.
What was the carbon footprint of Jonas Software UK & Europe businesses in 2021?
With the help of Carbon Footprint Ltd, we were able to assess all the businesses Jonas Software UK & Europe owned in 2021 by types of travel and office utilities. We made an impact of 658 tonnes.
What was the carbon footprint of Jonas Software UK & Europe businesses in 2022?
Why was the carbon footprint of Jonas Software UK & Europe higher in 2022 than 2021 – shouldn’t it be going down not up?
Can I join or support the Jonas Software Foundation?
Are Jonas Software UK & Europe doing carbon footprint assessments for any other years?
What else does the Jonas Software Foundation do to help the environment?
I’m thinking of doing an apprenticeship – how can you help me?
Considering acquisition?
What you and your brand have achieved so far has been incredible. What happens next could make you unbeatable. If you’d like to explore joining the Jonas family and partnering for evolution and growth, talk to us.
Or would you like to join the team?
Great people are the core of what we do. If you know you’ve got the expertise to make a difference in the world of software development and investment, do get in touch.